Background: Dental implants are widely used for replacing missing teeth. The placement of standard-length dental implants in axial position requires adequate amount of bone to be present. In certain conditions when remaining bone volume is less or the proximity of vital structures (inferior alveolar nerve, mental nerve, and the maxillary sinus) is there, advanced surgical procedures are required to allow the placement of standard-length implants .Such procedures are usually associated with increased morbidity, higher cost, and longer treatment duration.
Aim: The aim of the study is to know about the knowledge of the TILT concept in implant among the dentists in Maharashtra
Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted among the dentist of Maharashtra. The sample size of 200 dentists. A close-ended questionnaire was used to assess the practitioner’s perspective on tilted implants. Survey software was used to reduce sampling bias. Repeated answers or questioning were avoided. Chi-square tests were applied to find the association between the parameters and the level of significance.
Results: Out of 200 practitioners, only 45% of the practitioners had knowledge about the TILT concept in implant and the other 55% were not aware. And only 32.5% of the practitioners were aware of the indications for tilted implants whereas 67.5% of them responded that they don’t know under what conditions tilted implants are used
Conclusions: Within the limitation of the study, we can conclude that dental practitioners in the Maharashtra population were not much aware of the tilted implants and their uses and advantages over other techniques.
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