Impact of audio-visual 3D animation on students’ depth of knowledge of surgical anatomy of maxillofacial spaces.
Background and Objectives: The study aims to augment conventional teaching of maxillofacial spaces by developing audio-visual animation videos and evaluate its advantages in terms of student satisfaction and depth of knowledge attained by final year dental students.
Method: Nine videos on maxillofacial spaces were designed using the Mimics-in-Suite Software. The final year batch of dental students (n=42) were divided in two groups: Group 1 (n=21) and Group 2 (n=21). Group 1 served as the control group, solely receiving instruction through chalkboard and PowerPoint presentation, and the Group 2 served as the experiment group, where the conventional teaching was reinforced with the animation videos. The depth of knowledge gained by both the groups was recorded through a 30 marks multiple choice questionnaire and compared. Group 2 students' satisfaction with the animation module was also noted.
Results: Group 2 students outperformed Group 1 students in the depth of knowledge assessment in all levels except for the Level 1. Significantly high scores were achieved in Level 4 questions and the grand total score. Students positively perceived the animation module. They were satisfied with the animation's quality, content, relevancy, utility, and the knowledge obtained.
Conclusion: Altogether, the results illustrate that animation was useful to simplify the anatomy of maxillofacial spaces as it deepens their understanding of the material and was intercepted satisfactorily by the students.
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