Evaluation of digital text book vs. print text book learning perceptions among dental students during covid-19. A questionnaire study.


yasaswi ponukupati


Aim: Evaluation of digital text books vs. print text book learning perception levels among the students of Vishnu dental college during COVID 19. A questionnaire study.


  • To evaluate the perception levels of E-Book and Text Book learning among students of Vishnu dental college.

  • To assess the mental attitudes of students in E-Book and Text Book learning

Key words: E-books, text-books, perception levels, efficacy, dental students, students.

Introduction: Textbooks have been a guide since education had stepped into this world. Even if we turn our pages back to ancient-times we come across inscriptions made on leaves, rocks, sculptures, and many more, from there the ideology of writing got started which led to printed books. In the mid-1970s ever since the age of digitalization has started the evolution of textbooks took place which gave birth to e-books.

           E-learning has transformed into various forms such as tablets, I-pads, kindle and became a fast-growing technology in no time. Considering various factors like cost, accessibility, maintenance, and eco-friendly there was a gradual decline in conventional reading which led to the downfall of many book stores that made them shut their doors and get exhausted. But ultimately it is not only the devices or the technology that evolved, either people have too. So, in this lockdown, many students got introduced to e-reading for their preparation to get done.

  Taking this as an opportunity our present study is an attempt to find out which type of learning has the better efficiency and intellectuality over the other.

Materials and Methodology:  A questionnaire study was done on the 1st bds students who have recently completed their university examinations irrespective of gender and age. All the study participants voluntarily completed the questionnaire consisting of 10 questions which was validated by the institutional ethics committee of Vishnu dental college with ref no IEVDC/2021/UGD1/OP/Q/65. The students other than 1st bds were excluded from this study. This questionnaire was based on various aspects related to both text book and e book. test-retest reliability was conducted and the Cronbach’s alpha (?) value was found to be 0.83. for every response the options were ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Data was collected via google forms and statistical analysis for knowledge, awareness were computed and results obtained.

Data management was performed by using simple bar and pie charrs with percentage (%).



  • Textbook reading improvises your memory when compared to e books

  • eBooks reading cause s shifting of focus when compared to textbooks (notifications, calls, messages)

  • Increased screen time in reading e books may lead to adverse health effects (eye defects, headache etc.)

  • E-reading helps in quick revision of the content

  • Preparation with e-books consumes more time

  • Content sharing is easy by e-books than text books

  • Textbooks are more economical than e-books (one device many books)

  • E-books have augmented reality experience when compared to textbooks (animated and graphic contents)

  • Textbooks are easily available than e-books


  • What are your opinions/views about the choice of reading in future?








1st Bds students who recently appeared for their university examinations were provided a validated questionnaire and their responses were assessed and displayed in a bar graph:

  • 75% students say that they absorb more information when they read Text Books when compared to E- books.

  • 78% students infer that they get distracted while they use E-Books.

  • 62% students strongly agree that screen time may be health hazardous (headache and eye strain) when compared to Text Book reading.

  • 75% students agree that E-books help in quick revision than the Text Books.

  • Interestingly here the availability of either E-Books or Text Books was equally voted which indicates the advancement of digitalization.

  • 88% of the students prefer E-Books rather than Text Books as their content sharing is fast and easier.



This comparison of student preferences and use of e books had shown up many important findings. there were no age and gender factors involving in the study [3]. It was also interesting regarding the availability of the E and TEXT books which were equally voted that indicated a greater amount of digitalization going round the world.in regard of the comments given by the study participants previous use of e books doesn’t increase the preference for it.[1] the students were in search of the means through which they could achieve their best output.


By grouping all the elements given in the questionnaire it is able to find out that there was no actual difference between e books and text books. perhaps the reason for the low percentage is because of the different ways of getting adapted to either of the means according to their compatibility.


Apart from these, the advantages and disadvantages of either the segments were also included in this study.


Text books help to increase our memory, they get less distracted, and they’re easy on eyes,

No need of current and batteries and it’s great for notes taking. But, on the other side of the coin they’re a bit non ecofriendly, can’t be carried everywhere and their maintenance is a tedious process.[4]

E-books are like one device many books, they’re easily accessible, they act as a quick guide, they’re eco-friendly and maintained freely. On the other hand, they’re distracting, health hazardous, can’t be afforded by everyone and require electricity and batteries.



 In this fast-growing world, the technology is drifting us towards its digitalization but, it doesn’t mean to leave our roots. Obviously, it depends from person’s interest; ultimately the one who makes up the best choice will get the best output. A person should always have a caution in his mind whether the technology codes our mind or we code the technology. We should also give some concern to divide the attention between a pixel and ink. Finally, when it comes to intensively reading long pieces of plain text, paper and ink may still have the advantage. But text is not the only way to read. So, in this study many of the participants were abruptly sent home because of the pandemic and lockdown. This led to the shortage of text books which made them to get adapted to e learning. Considering both their experiences 78% of the students voted for text books and 28% voted for e books. 


  • Geethika B, Karpagam K. Comparing the choice of Ebooks Vs Textbooks among dental students-A Questionnaire based study. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2016 Aug 1;9(8):1077.

  • Zhang Y, Kudva S. E?books versus print books: Readers' choices and preferences across contexts. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 2014 Aug;65(8):1695-706.

  • Woody WD, Daniel DB, Baker CA. E-books or textbooks: Students prefer textbooks. Computers & education. 2010 Nov 1;55(3):945-8.

  • Engbrecht JR. Digital textbooks versus print textbooks.

  • Jabr F. The reading brain in the digital age: The science of paper versus screens. Scientific American. 2013 Apr 11;11(5).


DOI: 10.53274/IJCRD.2021.2101
Published: 2021-07-01
How to Cite
yasaswi ponukupati, “Evaluation of digital text book vs. print text book learning perceptions among dental students during covid-19. A questionnaire study.”, Ind J Clin Res Dent, vol. 2, no. 1, Jul. 2021.


  1. Geethika B, Karpagam K. Comparing the choice of Ebooks Vs Textbooks among dental students-A Questionnaire based study. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2016 Aug 1;9(8):1077.
  2. Zhang Y, Kudva S. E?books versus print books: Readers' choices and preferences across contexts. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 2014 Aug;65(8):1695-706.
  3. Woody WD, Daniel DB, Baker CA. E-books or textbooks: Students prefer textbooks. Computers & education. 2010 Nov 1;55(3):945-8.
  4. Engbrecht JR. Digital textbooks versus print textbooks.
  5. Jabr F. The reading brain in the digital age: The science of paper versus screens. Scientific American. 2013 Apr 11;11(5).