Clinical assessment of NTI-tss appliance for TMD’S associated with headache
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder and bruxism may cause individuals to experience extreme pain in the region of jaw and head. The associated musculature and the joint are placed at a STRAINED position which manifests as unbearable pain. This pain may radiate to face, neck and some may even develop migraine, all of which can have painful and a debilitating effect on an individual. This paper describes the case where a patient who was suffering from TMJ pain from 8 years using multiple occlusal splints over the course of years but showed no signs of relief thus, impairing the quality of life. TMD's constitute a group of disease with overlapping similar sign and symptoms. In this case, the patient was diagnosed and treated with the NTI-tSS appliance, with a 6 month follow up showing almost complete resolution of the symptoms enhancing the quality of life.

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