Clinical assessment of NTI-tss appliance for TMD’S associated with headache


Dr Ravi M B


Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder and bruxism may cause individuals to experience extreme pain in the region of jaw and head. The associated musculature and the joint are placed at a STRAINED position which manifests as unbearable pain. This pain may radiate to face, neck and some may even develop migraine, all of which can have painful and a debilitating effect on an individual. This paper describes the case where a patient who was suffering from TMJ  pain from 8 years using multiple occlusal splints over the course of years but showed no signs of relief thus, impairing the quality of life. TMD's constitute a group of disease with overlapping similar sign and symptoms. In this case, the patient was diagnosed and treated with the NTI-tSS appliance, with a 6 month follow up showing almost complete resolution of the symptoms enhancing the quality of life.  


DOI: 10.53274/IJCRD.2021.2102
Published: 2021-07-01
How to Cite
Dr Ravi M B, “Clinical assessment of NTI-tss appliance for TMD’S associated with headache”, Ind J Clin Res Dent, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 4-8, Jul. 2021.


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